With its culturally and politically engaged projects, ŠKUC LL attacks the dispersion of lesbophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and lgbtphobia and aims to bring to the forefront the ideals of an enlightened, inclusive, solidary, and egalitarian society. It participates in wider anti-government, political, and cultural efforts, aiming at breaking the massive walls of civil apathy, political ignorance, ideological terror, and mind exploitation. It is, as such, in public and common interest.

Lesbian Section ŠKUC-LL was established in 1987 within the framework of the feminist group Lilit as the first lesbian organisation in the former socialist Eastern European states. In 1988 it became an autonomous section within the association ŠKUC (The Students’ Cultural Centre, which is one of the leading organisations for the promotion of non-profit artistic activity in Slovenia, formed in 1972). At the end of the eighties, lesbian activism is a constituent part of the new social, civil-rights movements and alternative culture, oriented toward the establishment of modern political culture and civil society: on the one hand it articulates political demands and on the other it socializes forms of lesbian culture, gatherings and alternative thinking. This period is noted for intensive networking and making ties with related groups at the international and regional level, as well as breaking through into the media sphere, organizing social and discussion evenings and art events (Lesbian Film Week in 1988 in ŠKUC-Gallery in Ljubljana).

In the first half of the 90’s the lesbian section ŠKUC-LL, which together with gay-men group Magnus establishes the political association Roza klub, is a cofounder of various cultural and social projects: it launches the film festival, which grew into the annual Days of Lesbian and Gay Film in Ljubljana; it assists in establishing the gay & lesbian magazine Revolver and legendary Sunday disco nights Roza disko in club K4; it is a cofounder of LGBT info and help line GALfon.

After 1997 the section ŠKUC-LL turns again to autonomous activism, based on lesbian politics, culture and society. It opens projects, which are on-going.

LL established five journals and magazines – Lesbozine, Pandora, Lesbo, Lezbnik and, as the member of Roza Club, the magazine Revolver. LL edited five thematic issues of gay and lesbian studies for the Journal of Criticism of Science. LL designed the first lesbian book edition in Slovenia, the Vizibilija edition at the Škuc publishing house. For more than thirty years now, LL has been producing the monthly Lezbomanija radio show on Ljubljana’s Radio Študent. LL has established and remains to coordinate and nurture permanent and stable lesbian spaces in Ljubljana: the LL Office, the Monokel nightclub and the Lesbian Library & Archives. It was an integral part of the Network for Metelkova, which led to the Autonomous Cultural Center of Metelkova. It is also because of LL that LGBT parties are still held in the Ljubljana club K4. LL activists stand at the beginnings of the formation and continuation of events such as the Gay and Lesbian film festival, gay and lesbian literature evenings or the Pride Parade. They established a lesbian scene and community. Because of them, lesbians, connected together or acting individually, are a powerful political, cultural, social subject that cannot be overlooked within the modern social dynamics. Because of this collective, communal energy and power, discourses about lesbianism have changed in the everyday life of society, in the media, politics, law, education, science, and art.

ŠKUC LL PROJECTS (selection):

Political Action
Advocacy for equal opportunities, promotion of civil and human rights, introduction of anti-discriminatory legislation, abolishment of institutionalised discrimination and homophobia, improvement of the social status of lesbians and other LGBT+ persons. Political activism is formed through public engagement, dialogue and pressure tactics, it is aimed at state as well as international institutions the general public and the media. The cooperation with international GLBT movement (International Lesbian and Gay Association) and conceptually related activist initiatives within the local framework (UZI-Office For Interventions; CNVOS-Centre of Non Governmental Organizations of Slovenia, etc.).

Educational Action
The opening of academic doors to gender and sexuality studies: lesbian and gay studies in Časopis za kritiko znanosti, the cooperation with the University of Ljubljana and related academic spheres; tutorial work. Publishing of educational booklets (Safe Sex for Women; Homophobia; Employment; Same-sex Parenthood, Human Rights, etc.) and research studies (international research Discrimination on the basis of Sexual Orientation).

Older booklets / Research

ŠKUC-Vizibilija Publishing
A literary collection which promotes lesbian issues. Since 1998 it has published literary and theoretical texts from the fields of lesbian studies, gender studies and sexuality, predominantly those aimed at demolishing and deconstructing the concepts of indisputed reality through radical criticism and revolutionary diction Already published are works of film theory (Teresa de Lauretis), history of gender and sexuality (Kelley Hays-Gilpin, Margaret W. Conkey, Janet D. Spector, Roberta Gilchrist, etc.), history of literature (Lillian Faderman), lesbian-feminist criticism (Monique Wittig) and art creativity (Jeanette Winterson etc.).


Lesbian Bar Monokel
In September 1993, section ŠKUC-LL, together with other urban subcultures and scenes, art and cultural vanguards, squatted the ex-Yugoslav army barracks on Metelkova and Masarykova street in Ljubljana and gained its first club-places. The lesbian bar Monocle in Metelkova City is a place, where on approximately 50 square meters and with the help of sociable, cultural, musical, gallery and discussion aids the illusions of spending nights clubbing regardless of sexual or any other orientation quickly become reality.

© ŠKUC-LL Archives
© ŠKUC-LL Archives
© ŠKUC-LL Archives
© ŠKUC-LL Archives
© ŠKUC-LL Archives
© ŠKUC-LL Archives
© ŠKUC-LL Archives
© ŠKUC-LL Archives

Lesbian Library & Archives
The Lesbian Library & Archive was established on May 1st 2001. It is a place for the systematic collection of literature and documentary material, related to LGBT issues and to the field of gender and sexuality. It covers theory, prose and poetry, periodicals, comics, media archive, audio-video collection, photo archive, archive documents, etc. Although the LGBT contexts are the most represented in the library fond, the library detects many other focal points of differentiation on the level of sexuality, body and gender. The catalogue of the library is accessible on-line: www.ljudmila.org/lesbo.

Within the Lesbian Library & Archive a project of developing the Slovene GLBT bibliography is running (available on the website). Lesbian Library & Archive is – along with Škratova’s reading-room of KUD Anarhiv, the library of Peace Institute, Stripburger and the Institute of Contemporary Art – connected into the Network of Autonomous Libraries in Ljubljana.








——katalog video

ŠKUC-LL Lesbian Library & Archive
Metelkova 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Opening hours: Thursdays and Fridays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.; from January to June and from September to December.

Journals and Magazines
Throughout the years, ŠKUC-LL published and participated in the creation of several magazines – Lesbozine, Pandora, Lesbo, Lezbnik. Within the Roza Club, it participated in the establishment of the Revolver magazine. Its activists edited five thematic issues of gay and lesbian studies for Časopis za kritiko znanosti (Journal for the Critique of Science).

More about the magazines: https://skuc-ll.si/revije/

Radio program Lezbomanija
Radio program about lesbians and LGBT communities. Live monthly on Ljubljana’s Radio Student, 89.3 Mhz UKV Stereo. In its beginning in July 1998, it was a part of a cultural editorial and later on joined the project MultiKulti. Since 2000, it has been a member of the international network of feminist radio stations of AMARC. News and information; analysis and commentary of media and political realities and discourse about homosexuality; reviews and cri-tics of cultural events; interviews; opinion polls; presentations of current GLBT projects. Music: alternative rock, trip-hop, drum’n’bass, ambiental.

More: https://skuc-ll.si/lezbomanija/

Foto: © Nada Žgank, 2021